Please refer to the Product Label, Technical Data Sheet (TDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for safety and detailed application instructions. Deep Onyx is easier to use than one may think as it encourages a less is more. The PPG product also contains kaolin, which the Glidden one doesnt contain. Also, the HD Glidden product shows TiO2 is <25 and the 'PPG' one says <20. When it comes to picking a paint color for your home, the Glidden brand lowers the stakes after all, it’s just paint. And now, with TIMELESS Exterior One Coat Ready to Use, you get the convenience of a product that is already. BUT the Home Depot 'Glidden' tds says that it is 100 acrylic, while the 'PPG' Diamond 350 tds says that it is a vinyl acrylic. CleanupĬLEANUP: Clean brushes and tools with warm, soapy water Product Warning Glidden paints is keeping it easy and authentic in naming Deep Onyx (00NN 07/000), a no-fuss shade of black, as the 2018 Color of the Year. The paint under the Timeless banner is a bit more expensive but. gallon (3.78 Liters) on primed, smooth, nonporous surfaces. Two of the most popular options among PPG paint products are PPG Timeless and PPG Diamond.

To Touch: 30 minutes To Recoat: 4 hours CoverageĬOVERAGE: Approximately 250 to 300 sq. Drying TimeĭRYING TIME: Dry time 77✯ (25✬) 50% relative humidity. When using more than one can of the same color, intermix to ensure color uniformity. For metal, tannin staining woods, fresh concrete or masonry (less than 30 days cure), or chalky surfaces, use of the appropriate high quality specialty primer is recommended for best results. When PPG Timeless exterior paint is applied to an uncoated substrate or to bare wood, two coats are required with the first coat acting as the primer. Sand all glossy, rough and patched surfaces. Putty all nail holes and caulk all cracks and open seams. Blistering and peeling issues are commonly caused by moisture behind the paint film. Remove all loose, peeling paint, dirt, mildew, grease, oil, chalk, rust, and any other surface contaminants.