The description of his own discomforts for her sake if nothing else, these should have warmed her heart to open the door.Nowhere else in the song does he pour out upon her so many affectionate names. The warm and affectionate appeal the tender and beautiful names that he called the maiden should have melted her heart.The specific request when the beloved asked, “ Open for me,” it should have been enough to make the maiden open the door.The voice of the beloved the sound of his call to her should have prompted her to open the door.The appeal of his presence simply knowing that he sought her out and was at the door might have persuaded the maiden to open the door.The beloved made several appeals to the maiden: “He alludes to the custom of lovers, which oft and willingly suffer such inconveniences for their hopes and desires of enjoying their beloved.” (Poole) Like a shepherd out late at night watching over the flocks, his head was wet with the moisture of the dew that covered the land that night. For my head is covered with dew: The final appeal of the beloved was a description of the discomforts he had endured in seeking after the maiden. Ethical and moral blamelessness is more the idea.” (Carr)Į. My perfect one: “The AV undefiled suggests ‘virgin’, but that connotation is absent from the Hebrew. My love, my dove: “The title of dove signifies her chastity and constant faithfulness to her Husband, for which doves are famous.” (Poole) One remains a sister forever, and that is how long the beloved wanted to be connected with his maiden. My sister: One suggestion with this title is permanence. Yet this also was not enough to persuade her to open the door. Then he affectionately praised his maiden, with each of these warm and complimentary terms. My sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one: First the beloved called for his maiden, but the sound of his voice was not enough to persuade her to open the door. The emphasis here is not on the married or non-married status of the leading man and woman, but on a difficulty in their relationship.ĭ. It isn’t really important whether this section should be chronologically arranged after or before the wedding and consummation previously described. He knocks, saying, “Open for me, my sister, my love”: Having come in some way unexpectedly (perhaps later than expected), the beloved found himself locked outside the maiden’s home - which, presumably, was also his own home. He had come, either for an unexpected rendezvous or after a long day of looking after his responsibilities.Ĭ. It is the voice of my beloved: In her half-awake, half-asleep state the maiden heard the voice of her beloved outside her door.

The maiden is described as being either asleep, yet dreaming, or in the twilight of almost-sleep where one is not quite sure if they are awake or asleep.ī. I sleep, but my heart is awake: In this poetic snapshot, the maiden described another dream-like experience. ( Song of Solomon 5:2) The maiden dreams of her beloved coming to her door at night.Ī.